Tuesday, 24 July 2007

4 days in hk.

it was nice at first, even though i was in quite an afraid mood before we had begun the trip. i was just in imagining if i would be kidnapped or just cheated by cat.
luckily, everything went just in my plan. we lived with cat's friend. she's not like girl from olympic class i know. pretty look, elegant smile, and moral actions. yea, she sleeps in the living room and take the place for us sleep in bedroom.
the third night was terrible. i cried. i saw cat's palm. he send 'i love you' in black and white to another girl. to be exactly, his ex-girlfriend. i could never accept it. i am not inside a security line. i hate her sometimes. how can i be so stupid?! i should not care so much.
i'll put the more detailed post in catandsingzy.blogspot.com.

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